In a Nutshell | |
Situation of Astrology today | |
are of lot of astrological systems and schools available in the market
today. Almost all of them claim to be the best (or at least better than
[the] others). This house system is better than that, this opinion is
better than that, Eastern is better than Western - or vice versa. There
is a lot of argueing about why this is so, a lot of theoretical, often
esoterically or pseudo-spiritually justified explanation why this is
so. They all miss the point. The only thing which counts is that it works, that it can be reproduced by applying the laws properly, that it is proven in practice. Not by producing a self-fulfilling prophecy, a conditioning or manipulation of the person(s) involved. The most important thing however is, that it gives more freedom and quality of live to the person being consulted. Of course, techniques are important, and whatever works in a specific context and creates added-value is welcome. In the end only the HOW really counts and much less the WHAT. Traditional Most traditional astrological systems, be they Eastern or Western, today are one-dimensional and focus on the material level, the body, the physical environment, events. They service a rather superficial and primitive value-system of good/bad, rich/poor, high status/low status etc. They completely neglect the more subtle levels of human personality and of consciousness, individual and collective. Not very astonishingly these techniques work quite well with a highly conditioned clientele, which because of their conditioning have become highly predictable - and manipulable.. However a human being is a much more complex entity. It consists of seven layers of existence, which for simplification we have here combined to five: physical, emotional, mental, causal, and transcendental. Modern It is the merit of modern Western psychologically and often also spiritually oriented people, that the emotional and mental levels and their conditioning started to be recognized, acknowledged and dealt with. These were schools of Astrological Psychology (Bruno Huber, Switzerland, et al.) and Psychological Astrology (Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas) which introduced the human mind and its aspects into the realm of astrology in the later 20th century. They were inspired by the psychological discoveries of people like Freud, Jung, Adler, Assagioli etc. They even started looking at aspects of the collective consciousness in the form of archetypes etc. and found relationships between them and the transsaturnian planets. However it seems as if it has to be Holistic Vedic Astrology which will introduce a more complete picture of the potential of the human being, taking into account the transcendental aspect of life which is fundamental to all others. Holistic Vedic Astrology Holistic Vedic Astrology looks at the full human potential, individually and collectively. It identifies what is the ideal (=natural) state, what has caused the actual, non-ideal state, and how to (re-)gain this ideal state again. It shows a modern, objective picture of the energies which form the universe and the human personality, free of cultural conditioning and in the light of modern knowledge accessible to almost everyone free of unnecessary mystifications and their inherent sometimes subtle ways of manipulation. It introduces a multi-dimensional view of the human personality depending on time, state of consciousness and degree of liberation (or conditioning, if we want to look from the other side). It also introduces the ancient Vedic knowledge culminating in the sukta of the Rigveda which - in a nutshell - states, that "Knowledge is structured in Consciousness". Without an expanded and expanding consciousness, human evolution can only extremely slowly and difficultly progress. At the same time not being sufficiently founded in the Pure Consciousness makes it impossible to comprehend life as a whole, be it human or cosmic. Then knowledge remains half- (or more fractured) knowledge being both incomplete and dangerous for the evolution of oneself and mankind. |
Range of Coverage of Astrological Systems nowadays | |