The Common or Usual situation
 When a human being is born, it usually (with the exception of an  enlightened person) brings a certain conditioning with him or her  into this world. This is also called karma (action), exactly spoken  it is not karma, but karma phalam, the fruit (or result) of action.  The loose use of language in this field is one of the sources of  great confusion and misconception.

 As romantic and sweet it may appear - with the exception already  mentioned before, there is no such thing as a innocent child. The  human being is already conditioned by past actions and  experiences.

 On the physical level nobody can seriously contradict this fact.  We are all genetically conditioned by our parents, grand-parents,  ancestors - so on the physical level (body and environment) this  so-called karma is evident. Our genes reincarnate again and again  - that's how heridity transmission happens.

What is true for the physical level in principle also applies to the emotional, mental and causal levels.

So we bring into this life also an emotional and mental conditioning, which cannot only be explained by the nine months of prenatal existence in the womb of the mother. However, if one extends this span of time, one comes closer and closer to what needs to be the cause of this conditioning.

Without wanting to enter into the manifold possibilities which can create this situation, the whole can be explained by a rather simple process, which is well known to modern psychology. There the result is sometimes given the name neurosis.

Our system (body - mind - intellect etc. complex) is at a certain point in time exposed to an (or more) experience(s), which create an overload to it. It comes under stress. It doesn't matter what the emotional quality of this stress is: overload is overload. And the system reacts instinctively by a protection reaction (basically in the scheme of either running/escaping or fighting). Whichever is the reaction, which in itself might have made some sense in that situation, the stress creates an impression in the system, which again creates an automated behavioural pattern of either type: escape or fight. And this pattern keeps on popping up again and again whenever our system "thinks, feels, ..." that a similar situation has arisen. These reactions are unconscious, compulsive-obsessive.

One very negative side effect of these impressions is, that they obstruct the perception/experience of our true nature, of the Pure Consciousness. Instead they make us identify with our thoughts and feelings, which mostly originate from these compulsive-obsessive pattern.

We have created an illusionary world of our own and we identify with it. Our impressions produce filters which distort the reality of the situation. Our ego becomes a distorted ego by identifying with our thoughts and feelings. The negative touch the word ego has earned comes from the effects of its identification with its thoughts and feelings, which, due to the impressions, have become distorted and disproportionate.From there basically all suffering and problems arise and persist.

We are caught in fears and blindness and agression - and our actions resulting from here reinforce the impressions more and more. The vicious circle has started and we have become too blind to escape. In escaping all our alleged threads we keep on accelerating the speed in the vicious circle, caught in graving and aversion. Lost in illusion and bare of freedom.

And we all know such situations in our environment. The soap operas in the TV - and in our lives - speak of it, show it, demonstrate it. There we usually find it funny - but in the so-called real life this fun has disappeared fast.

In the Vedic language these impression are called sanskaras or vasanas.
The Remedy

How to become free ?
How to break this vicious circle ?
How to own our feelings instead of being owned (and ruled) by our feelings ?

A rather simple picture and analogy from the field of physics (where these natural laws also manifest) can show us the answer:

these impressions are often deep rooted disharmonies in our system. Their intensity or the energy with which the impression has been created can be taken as a relative quantification of the disharmonies. Simply spoken, the stronger the impression, the deeper it sits, the more sort of potential energy it possesses. The only way to eliminate disharmony is to neutralize it by harmony. However, on the finer levels of our personality the same laws apply as on the finer levels of matter. Very much little energy will not do the job. The energy has to be as big (or bigger) than the potential energy of the impression. Or, only if the harmony is equal or bigger than a specific disharmony, then the disharmony can resolve. (It's like wanting to remove an electron in an atom from its orbit. In principle the same laws apply here).

Harmony for our personality aspects means rest, relaxation. Bringing our mind to complete rest in the sense of making it experience the deepest rest possible for it can produce such conditions of deep harmony, where the impressions in the system can start to get released from the system. For this process it is completely unimportant what exactly has caused the impression. The experience of deep inner rest and peace can make it resolve.

So any procedure or technique which is able to produce objectively such a state of deep rest will be able to release these impressions and thereby increase our level of freedom.

When we spoke about 'objective' state, we did this on purpose. In fact the subjective experience of this state of full mental rest, also called Samadhi, can be very misleading, particularly when being accompanied by the side-effects of the release of impressions - and vice versa the subjective experience of "deep" joy and happiness can also be just wellness but not this deep rest. It can be quite tricky. But to know and to understand this sufficiently, one has to attend a proper meditation course.

From our experience there are nowadays only four techniques available, which allow a significant progress in the process of release of impressions.
In descending sequence of efficiency they are:
- Sahaj Samadhi Meditation and
   Sudarshan Kriya as taught by the Art of Living Foundation
- Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
- a technique also called "body feeling", described also by the above and by Eckhart Tolle   in his book: "A New Earth".

We don't say that other techniques don't work; however, from what we can tell and observe, they do not seem to be able to produce the wanted results in a significant amount of time.

While all the above mentioned techniques can efficiently remove impressions, the mentioned meditations have another important 'complementary' effect: they allow the consciousness to expand and - if properly done - to stabilize and maintain this expanded state of awareness. This becomes very important for the multi-dimensionality aspect of Holistic Vedic Astrology.

Now the horoscope describes all these possible situations of and for a person which can occur between total illusion and/or attachment and complete freedom or enlightenment.
(and of course with different interpretations and different handling of situations)